Centerville Municipal Airport

DIY Birdfeeder

Nature Center at Sharon Bluffs 25100 520th St, Centerville, United States

DIY Birdfeeder Thursday, 2/20/25, 6:00 p.m. at the Nature Center at Sharon Bluffs Join the ACCB naturalist to make an acorn-shaped birdfeeder. We will be working with wire, so wear sturdy clothes with sleeves and bring work gloves if desired. Some needle nose plyers will be provided, but you may bring your own. Cost will be $10 per feeder kit.…

Kids Craft Club at the YMCA

Rathbun Lake Area YMCA 708 S Main St, Centerville, IA, United States

Kids Craft Club will be hosted monthly at the Rathbun Lake Area YMCA! Join in the fun and get creative in Kids Craft Club! Led by artist, educator, and Y staff Jane, kids will learn to collaborate in the creation of unique art installations around the Y. There will also have a healthy snack and do a make-and-take project. On…

Free – $10

YMCA Kids Craft Club

Rathbun Lake Area YMCA 708 S Main St, Centerville, IA, United States

Kids Craft Club at the YMCA

Rathbun Lake Area YMCA 708 S Main St, Centerville, IA, United States

Kids Craft Club will be hosted monthly at the Rathbun Lake Area YMCA! Join in the fun and get creative in Kids Craft Club! Led by artist, educator, and Y staff Jane, kids will learn to collaborate in the creation of unique art installations around the Y. There will also have a healthy snack and do a make-and-take project. On…

Free – $10

YMCA Kids Craft Club

Rathbun Lake Area YMCA 708 S Main St, Centerville, IA, United States

Centerville Concert Association: Sail On March 16th

Simon Estes Auditorium 612 S 12th St, Centerville, IA, United States

Centerville Concert Association: Sail On March 16th PLEASE NOTE: THIS PERFORMANCE WILL BE AT 3PM The Centerville Concert Association promotes affordable, family-friendly live entertainment for southern Iowa and northern Missouri. Attendees can purchase a ticket for one show for $15/person, or you can get a season ticket for $35. The season ticket also includes additional shows in Fairfield, Washington, Indianola…


16th Annual Honey of a Quilt Show March 21st and 22nd

Centerville Faith Church

Join the Material Girlz Quilt Guild for their 16th Annual Honey of a Quilt Show March 21st and 22nd! Save the date for the 16th Annual Honey of a Quilt Show March 21st & 22nd 2025 at Centerville Faith Church. Check out hundreds of quilts, live demos, the Quilts of Valor presentation and more! For more details about the Material…

$5 – $8

16th Annual Honey of a Quilt Show March 21st and 22nd

Centerville Faith Church

Join the Material Girlz Quilt Guild for their 16th Annual Honey of a Quilt Show March 21st and 22nd! Save the date for the 16th Annual Honey of a Quilt Show March 21st & 22nd 2025 at Centerville Faith Church. Check out hundreds of quilts, live demos, the Quilts of Valor presentation and more! For more details about the Material…

$5 – $8

Centerville Concert Association: Albia Community Choir April 13th

First United Methodist Church 410 N Main Street, Centerville, IA, United States

Centerville Concert Association Presents: Albia Community Choir April 13th PLEASE NOTE: THIS PERFORMANCE WILL BE HOSTED AT FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH BEGINNING AT 3PM The Centerville Concert Association promotes affordable, family-friendly live entertainment for southern Iowa and northern Missouri. Attendees can purchase a ticket for one show for $15/person, or you can get a season ticket for $35. The season…


Kids Craft Club at the YMCA

Rathbun Lake Area YMCA 708 S Main St, Centerville, IA, United States

Kids Craft Club will be hosted monthly at the Rathbun Lake Area YMCA! Join in the fun and get creative in Kids Craft Club! Led by artist, educator, and Y staff Jane, kids will learn to collaborate in the creation of unique art installations around the Y. There will also have a healthy snack and do a make-and-take project. On…

Free – $10

YMCA Kids Craft Club

Rathbun Lake Area YMCA 708 S Main St, Centerville, IA, United States

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