Workshop Signage and Facade Grant Applicants February 2nd at 8am!
Main Street Centerville will be offering both signage and facade grants for our downtown businesses in 2024. Businesses in Centerville’s Main Street District can apply for up to $1,000 in funding for signage and up to $3,000 in funding for facade work. Meet with PACT Staff and the Main Street Centerville Design Committee for assistance in preparing your signage or facade grant application during our workshop February 2nd at 8am! Applications will available starting January 22nd on the website and physical copies for pick up at the PACT office (101 E Van Buren).
Workshop for Signage and Facade Grant Applicants February 2nd at 8am
This competitive grant is locally funded by the Main Street Centerville Program. Grant applications are reviewed and awarded at the discretion of Main Street Centerville Design Committee. The application must be completed in full when submitted, or the project will be ineligible. If awarded, the check will be submitted directly from PACT to the vendor(s).